Well folks, I have now officially left Austin. I am at home in San Antonio now, and on Monday, I fly to Barcelona. I'll be doing four weeks of study abroad, and then I'll travel through Europe until mid-December. I'll be making plenty of posts on here to keep yall updated on what I'm doing, and I may throw in a "thinking piece" every now and then as well.
If you're wondering about the title of this blog, I originally wanted to call it "Ted's Excellent Adventures," but then I found out it's been done before. Then I thought, well, what about "that dog'll hunt," or "don't fight it," or "ain't no thang," or "man gotta eat." But really, why name it after a single catchphrase when in three weeks I'll be onto the next one? Entonces, "Witty Catchphrase" it is.
If only folks called Charlie "Bill"