Camera phone flashes
It's funny to watch people take pictures with their camera phones in broad daylight. The tiny little light turns on, far, far exceeded by the power of the sun. Some might see something about futility and impotence. I just think it's kind of funny.
The London Air
I'm walking through London as the sun sets on a warm august day, and the air is that perfect temperature where you are completely comfortable. But not just that-- there are those small bubbles of air that are just a degree or two different, but still pleasant. So as you walk you're hit with waves of warmth then cool then warmth then cool again.
London and Austin
Walking through London (and other cities) makes me really appreciate what I had in Austin. Yesterday I saw an open-air food market, a nice walk along the Thames with street performers, beautiful parks. So many of the things I relish here were always available in america. Now we just need to get buckingham palace.
Train to Milan
Unfortunately, my train car from cinque terre to Milan has two of the stinkiest human beings on the planet. Two large, fat Italian men. (note: they were later thrown off the train for not having a ticket)
Very interesting place. Love the old soviet feel. The people are pretty friendly. I wonder what takes more courage- the people from poorer countries going to west Europe, or rich ones going east. (note: I later decided, going from the east to the west is scarier)
Music Classics
Listening to old music is always refreshing, but there is often the reminder that it's just not the same--you enjoy it, but not as much as when your whole brain tingled and lit up on every successive listen until your love for it dwindles to mere respect and fond memories.
Different lives
It's interesting seeing people in other countries and wondering about what kind of person they would be if they grew up in America. Goth? Hippy? Engineer? Example: met a family of people running a manufacturing/machine shop in their barn in this tiny village. They spoke English. They made tiny little parts to be used for a variety of machines and furniture and whatnot. Amazing. What if they were wealthy in America? What would they accomplish then?
(somehow, this reminded me of a time, during freshman orientation, when I went to a restaurant in Austin and saw an entire family of goths. Mom, Dad, and three kids, all dressed in all black. How do those kids rebel? Going to the gap (thanks south park))
Long way from home
Just saw a guy in a donkey-pulled cart in a left turn lane 200m from the central train station in the capital of Bulgaria, an EU nation capital. I need to go to India.
The triumphant return of music videos
Well, it's 530 am and I'm waiting on a minibus to take me to Berat, to work at the hostel there. But don't worry! I have Albanian/Turkish music videos to entertain me. I'm not sure what it is that makes the videos so entertaining--the closeups on horn solos, the super shiny shirts, the male lead singers who are inevitably a bit pudgy. Maybe it's the saxophone solo done by the Jonah hill Albanian twin. Or maybe it's the George bush look alike singer who's fond of pleated pants and tie clips. But really, how much more ridiculous is it than American singers in denim vests and suspenders? Oh, and yes the videos do feature cuties dancing.
I don't like routine--I like rhythm, the music of life humming to the beat of weekly events, yes, even tv shows. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday bump bump bump bump bump tsts Tcha. Dinners with friends, weekly lunches, fish wrap Fridays, twofer Tuesdays.
The upside of a hangover
Being hungover isn't pleasant--but I still like it sometimes, or at least find some small positive morsel in it. You can be so aware of what's right in front of you, because you actually can't physically take your eyes off of whatever it is--your hands, the blanket, the ceiling. I swear I’ve stared at my hands for 15 minutes before. Really, there’s a lot to see.
This is a fantastic post.