Friday, September 2, 2011

Catchphrases and Texans

The more observationally astute of my readers might have noticed that the title of this blog is "Witty Catchphrase," in reference to my love of catchphrases. Por ejemplo, here are the big ones from 2010: Don't fight it, Man's gotta eat, Fire up the grill, Cute face, Go big or go home, Give the people what they want.

It's been a dark few months for new catchphrases. In Barcelona, we had "that dog'll hunt," as in, "that'll work." It was best served with a big ol' Texas accent. Unfortunately, after then, I've been severely lacking in catchphrases. I've had two relatively weak catchphrases: "&*!#@$ nettles," in reference to stinging nettles, which were the bane of my existence for two weeks on the farm, and "Europe, man," which was used a lot when traveling with Flo and Caroline (the Austrians). "Europe, man" was always quite funny, but it died after a week. However, all is not lost.

Before I came to Europe, I was expecting to be greeted by a bunch of America haters, and especially a bunch of Texas haters. Imagine my surprise when I met person after person who loved Texans! I don't think I have had a single person be rude to me because I'm from Texas (perhaps because I haven't traveled to France?). Even though I haven't been finding many new catchphrases, I've been spreading the good news of "yeee-up," "ain't," and "ma'am." I don't really consider myself to have much of an accent, but I'm enjoying dropping a bit of a drawl every now and then.

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